Agateware Workshop


Eck McCanless 

One weekend only!
June 22 & 23, 10 am - 5 pm

$200 + $50 materials fee

Price includes: 2 full days of instruction, open studio hours Saturday evening until 8 pm and Sunday until 6 pm, bisque and a clear glaze firing. Materials fee of $50.00 is for 25 lbs of clay. We will use a 240 stoneware and standard 266.

Who? Advanced beginner/intermediate-level potters and above.

This is a workshop for those further along in their pottery journey. You'll enjoy 2 days creating beautiful agateware-thrown pieces with multiple clay colors and carving techniques.

Space is limited to 10 participants in this special, hands-on workshop

Eck is a potter from SeaGrove, NC, and has been bringing his agateware workshop to studios across America and Canada since 2011, when he began to focus solely on producing agateware and following the swirl of the clay colors to direct his carving.  

In this workshop, you will have 2-3 different colors of clay and learn how to throw on the wheel combining these colors for maximum effect. Day 2 is carving to bring out the natural beauty of your pieces and transform them to agateware.

Bring your favorite carving tools! Eck recommends the Kemper loop tool, pitcher handle tool, and flexible metal rib.

Eck will also have his work available for sale during this weekend.

Click the carousel to see more of Eck's work!